Saturday 17 November 2012


i don't keep missing him lately.. my mind kept playing those record of memory that connected to him..all i felt right i wanna crying...why do i keep missing that bad ass??
when thinking back,he doesnt worth to having me actually..hell yeah im better than that bad ass like 100 times...

yeah of course,i dont wanna be one of those pathetic girls that their world stop spinning around coz of some guy.. daa... he even worth for it..but what the hell in mind i keep thinking bout him? whats wrong with me? yes i hate my self right now..

he doesnt even care about why im doing this heart and mental illness or kept torture my self over it?
yes im bet that im be stupid enough to keep doing this things to myself..

i doesnt know whether im still to him or its just the feeling that im hate him coz he giving me some kind of stupid answer to i love u so much but u have to wait till i put all piece of myself together..i wanna be the best man for u..just keep waiting..

men..thats a real big problem..coz i hate the word waiting..that word doesnt give a big impact to me.. understand that u major loser..or maybe i should labeling him a freak?

i hate the feeling that i have for him..why the hell in da world that i cant forget him? daa..there a lots of hot guys that waiting outside there..hurgh..

Monday 12 November 2012

hye! k. bye!

xtau nape but semakin hari,ak rasa semakin menyampah dengan dia..dia x mcm yang ak sngkakan..dye totally org lain..ak terasa diri ak bodoh pon ad kdg2..

new life..this things will appear in da future..soon i ak rasa ak perlukan perubahan..and ak x kn biarkan sapa2 cuba ambil kesempatan keatas ak..tu yang utama..bab ak x suka dowg amik kesempatan atas diri ak da..ak belaja yang semakin kita baik ngn owg tu,semakin mereka kijak kepala this new future more kind more cheerfull me..

because what?if im doing that things in this new incoming life,i will be suffer..

Friday 9 November 2012


nie la result exam ak..terukkn? mmg ptut la mak ak marah..
dah abeh sal result..

ak duk selak2 gmbr lme2 kt machangster..nah kau
sekali terjumpe gmbr2 nie..nak melelh airmata jap..

memang rush semue memori ak ngn dye dtg blik..haish..patutnyer ak padam pic2 nie..but ak x leh..xtau npe..ak g smpan..ak ad rahsia..but dye xtau kot..ak x ok..ak x leh tgok dye..ak rasa nak ngis bila tgok dye..tapi ak put fake smile jew bila depan dye..dye x pnah tau kot ape yg ak pikir..ak cuba try go on without dye..but still cam x leh..xtau nape..ape yg special tntng dye ak pon xtau la weh..

ak tau dye x suka ak..dye suka owg laen..tapi x pe..ak akn try tggu dye..ak cdg nak blaja btol2 pastu, nnt graduate bru ak tnye dye tntg semue nie.. ak xmau kco dye blaja..ak tau dye boleh berjaya tanpa ak..dye rajin kot..tekun jew ak tgok dye blaja..ak doakn yg terbaik tok dye.. back!!

hey peeps..sorry lme x update blog..busy n lpe password blog sebenarnyer.hik3x.. :).. ari nie..dapat result exam.. dsbbkn ak tkot sgt2..ak mngis dlm tidor..siap mengigau lg..akak ak terkejut..cuak dye tgok ak ngis dlm tido..ak punyer la cuakebabeh check result.. alih2..dekan but pointer jtuh..mak ak marah kot..ak nak wat cam ne..

mybe slh ak gak kot..banyak maen..owg blaja,ak tdo la,maen game la..naseb baek dekan lau x? mti ak..mak ak mmg berharap kat ak..ak sbnrnye happy dpt result baik..tapi ak rasa sedeh gak pointer sem nie..ak cdg nak pulun habeh..bia pecah record dekan ak..hehe..ak nie jenis yg mls blaja sikit sebnrnye.. tapi ak terpaksa cari owg untuk cabar diri ak supaya ak dapt result lg pace maker la..ak jmpe da sowg..budak nie nme dye suha..kecik comel jew owgnyer..dye dpt dekat 4 flat jgak la..

Wednesday 14 March 2012


lame x blogging..nk kte busy..mmg x kot..nie nak mgadu nie..carried mark ak mkin lme..mkin sikit..aduish asai la..bkan x rse gelabah semacam..huhu..mmpu kew ak mncapai dekan?ish2..rse cm x..entah ak x tau la ak study knpe la cm x ckup jew?la nie.. mmg ak mghdap pastyear ble time study..tension bai..ak benci mr ss..suddenly...kih3x..ak mmg x ske harami suddenly duk bls post ak..x baik kn beci owg witout reason..peduli apa ak..bak kte faraha g mam la kn?kih3x...rndu perak weh..lmbt sgt nak abeh sem..otak ak berdenyut2 la nie..akibat x breakfast pg td..heaven..aishh..fon berbunyik dlm library..smue ushar x pueh aty..ak x sngja bai..siap bedehem2 g..mntk steripsil free la really happy for pieja coz dye dpt highest marks..bgga jdik kwn dye..kih3x..roomate ak asik nak wat ak rasa sebal jew..asyik ak kuar nak itu nak ini..ingt ak nie pelayan tetamu kew ap..smue nk kirim.xbli bising..x bli sakit aty ak dgar perlian dowg..ase cm nk amik borang tukar blik doh..(lau dpt kolej)..windu kt my parents..hurh..

Monday 5 March 2012

mad day ever!!! da dkat..huh..carried mark pon ciput jew,tkot ne la nk dpt dekan?aduh.. cm ne weh? submit assgnmnet 2 sakai jew ari nie..da la smlm wat annotation cm msiot jew..pling kcian at pieja..rjin weh dak nie..lucky me ad pieja..syg dye weh..xtau cmne nk bls jasa dye..dye so sweet..smue classmate x tdo wat annotation 2..semue berlari g submit assgmnt..naseb aek diterime wlupon da lmbt thap gaban..huhuhu..senior pon actually mmbntu..tolong kitew owg..baek weh..:)

Saturday 3 March 2012

kesebalan melanda..

ngok la..ak rase cam nk termuntah duk dlm library nie..duk sibuk wat 101.sakit aty sero tgok mamat 2..duk kelih2..dye mache mntk penampar sero..nak blik x leh..nak dekan kne sacrificed ckit kn..warh tension bai buad bnde nie..budus glew..warh..sakit aty sgguh nie..xfham aku..

Saturday 25 February 2012

patah seribu..

ak syg dye nak blah cm 2 je dri my life..weh..jgn la g...ak xle time xda ko kt dlm idup ak..ak bwu je nk happy2 ngn ko..suddenly ko blah cm 2..weh npe slh ak?ak sedih glew..rse cm kne tanam hidup2 jew..asai la ko xle nak faham perangai ak..selama nie ak fham je perangai ko..ak sbar jew..ak sedih kew..sakit aty ke..ak diam je..ak telan jew..
weh ak rndu glew kt ko sgt2..xpe la ko nak ptus kn?
so fine..tapi ak xtau nape la aty ak sdeh sgt..sllunyer blew ak ptus ngn some1 xda effect pape pon..myb ak syg ko sgt..
lau bole ak nak ko sllu ngn ak weh..ssah senang..sama2..mybe bab ko da bosan ngn ak ak kot..ak kn xcntik..xpndai..xmanja..xpnah nak nak fham ko kn?..lau la ko tau pe yg ak rse..ko la lelaki yg ak suka sgt2..buad mse nie..tau x ak mlm2 g toilet ngis bab ko?weh serius ak syg ko sgt2..ak xleh nk lpekn ko..ak try da beb tp ak still ngis bab ko..andai la ko tau pe yg ak rse..
ak syg ko beb..syg sgt2..tolong la beb..ak syg ko..ak xtau cmne nk lpekn ko nie..da la nk final nie...seriau ak nak face smue nie..ak ttap tggu ko my mr right..

Friday 24 February 2012

stress menonggeng!!

warh!!im stress!!assignmnt..test and many more..not just that..i dunno what im thinking..i just wonder why he did this to first he so eager to woo me..and then..just hide himself in one dark really do not understand..i felt like an idiot who kept waiting  a call or text from him..yes im a idiot..i hate him now..more than ever..i should not fall in love again with him..
why my heart do not understand and hear what im telling it to do..stupidity is spreading around my body..
jap2 suka..jap2 benci..ak g kaki krg!!hurh!!
xfham la weh..asai la ko wat ak cm nie..ak nie suka owg mmg cpat..nak cintakan owg 2 sgt ssah..
ko 2 kira lucky la..hahaha..(perasan jap..)
ak mmg calon NR..nseb aek la ad owg tolong crikn umah sewa awai2..lau x?duk tpi jalan ak sem dpan..
sebenarnya,ak mmg xpueh aty ngn some1 nie..asyik2 nk mengungkit..panas je ak ngn la ak nie x da bnda nak diungkit ngn dye,semue bnda dye nk citer kt owg laen..tah2 yg dlm kaen ke?seluar kot.. pon nak citer kt owg keliling shit ak xpnah tolong dye je..krg ku isytihar war jap g krg bwu tau..mcm la bagus sgt..suka sgt ckap besar..duk post kt citu la..duk call owg gtaw la..aduih hai..xpasai2 mkn penyepak krg..
kdg2 ak terpikir nak jdk dak nerd..xad la owg ggu ak kn?ish..kdg2 ak rse cm nk tkar kampus je..dkat ckit ngn mak ak..kesimpulan ak sakit aty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xda mood weh!!!!!!!

Monday 20 February 2012

i dunno..

im sad 2day..i hate fighting!! i hate everything today..warhhhhhhh!!!! i would like to screaming right now..but i cant..coz im in da library..i just wonder how this beautiful morning become a disaster?.. why he just can be a little bit matured?is that to hard 2 do so? the most annoying part is when there are somethings that i hate to hear and see today..the people that i expect to grow up a little bit speechless when i saw tut....ignoring me and there are some part when tut..blaming me 4 something that defiantly not true at all..just like bull shit..

Friday 17 February 2012


even we were like milk and chocolate...we still be and her we are bff forever..:)
 last 15 minutes ago..i just call my bff..oh my god..i miss she so bad..she told me that she miss me too and have a lot of trouble when i was away from poor my lovely bff..why our class his task and responsibility?this really piss me off..i just wanna punch his face right now..why must everythings comes back to me and my bff when it comes to his task or responsibility that he should do?
 swear by god!!i hate him so much right now..if he stand right infront of me right now..i will make sure that  he got my geum jan di kick right on his face right now..what should i do?oh..i felt so helpless to help my bff right now..i hate this feeling..oh my dear bff,wait 4 me..i will come 2 rescue u from the devil jinggo a.k.a.. our class rep..

i know..when i go back 2 uitm..i will be pleased with a lots of assignment and test..and i know what will i feel that time..i think at that time..i will need a lots of sick already just by thinking about it..never gain dekan..i must go along this stressfull and exhausted way..wait 4 me on my way..hold on k?..(kih3x..)

seriously i donno why..but i miss tdm 321 than my own room..kind of weird..isnt?kih3x..i just love the scence and scent of that room..oh..i really miss bubu..pieja teddy bear..:) and the most important part i miss the time we hang out 2gether..oh there so much fun..

Tuesday 14 February 2012

over exciting la..

hye..welcome to my fairy blog..huhuhu...actually..i want to create a blog 4 a long time ago..but i dont have a good time to do so..since i have nuthing to do right i make very tiring day..i dont why..weird me?isnt?i miss my bff..nur syafizah bt ismail..she from rawang,selangor.she so kind to me.always help me whenever i need her..i felt lucky to have a good friend like her. :)

i have a i have to take a emergency many days i felt i miss da class (pdhal bwu 3 kli x dtg klass..)..i miss my friends and also my mr phd..hes at kelantan n i at perak...what a long journey and distance between me and him..

i just are my classmate goes their life without me? (perasan abes...).. :)..

i cant wait to go back to uitm..
2 deal with a lots of assignments,presentations and also tests..
oh mak gard..
tertelan ubat gegat..kih3x..