Saturday 17 November 2012


i don't keep missing him lately.. my mind kept playing those record of memory that connected to him..all i felt right i wanna crying...why do i keep missing that bad ass??
when thinking back,he doesnt worth to having me actually..hell yeah im better than that bad ass like 100 times...

yeah of course,i dont wanna be one of those pathetic girls that their world stop spinning around coz of some guy.. daa... he even worth for it..but what the hell in mind i keep thinking bout him? whats wrong with me? yes i hate my self right now..

he doesnt even care about why im doing this heart and mental illness or kept torture my self over it?
yes im bet that im be stupid enough to keep doing this things to myself..

i doesnt know whether im still to him or its just the feeling that im hate him coz he giving me some kind of stupid answer to i love u so much but u have to wait till i put all piece of myself together..i wanna be the best man for u..just keep waiting..

men..thats a real big problem..coz i hate the word waiting..that word doesnt give a big impact to me.. understand that u major loser..or maybe i should labeling him a freak?

i hate the feeling that i have for him..why the hell in da world that i cant forget him? daa..there a lots of hot guys that waiting outside there..hurgh..

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