Tuesday 14 February 2012

over exciting la..

hye..welcome to my fairy blog..huhuhu...actually..i want to create a blog 4 a long time ago..but i dont have a good time to do so..since i have nuthing to do right now..so i make one..today..is very tiring day..i dont why..weird me?isnt?i miss my bff..nur syafizah bt ismail..she from rawang,selangor.she so kind to me.always help me whenever i need her..i felt lucky to have a good friend like her. :)

i have a problem.so i have to take a emergency leave.so many days i felt i miss da class (pdhal bwu 3 kli x dtg klass..)..i miss my lecturer..my friends and also my mr phd..hes at kelantan n i at perak...what a long journey and distance between me and him..

i just wonder..how are my classmate goes their life without me? (perasan abes...).. :)..

i cant wait to go back to uitm..
2 deal with a lots of assignments,presentations and also tests..
oh mak gard..
tertelan ubat gegat..kih3x..