Friday 17 February 2012


even we were like milk and chocolate...we still be and her we are bff forever..:)
 last 15 minutes ago..i just call my bff..oh my god..i miss she so bad..she told me that she miss me too and have a lot of trouble when i was away from poor my lovely bff..why our class his task and responsibility?this really piss me off..i just wanna punch his face right now..why must everythings comes back to me and my bff when it comes to his task or responsibility that he should do?
 swear by god!!i hate him so much right now..if he stand right infront of me right now..i will make sure that  he got my geum jan di kick right on his face right now..what should i do?oh..i felt so helpless to help my bff right now..i hate this feeling..oh my dear bff,wait 4 me..i will come 2 rescue u from the devil jinggo a.k.a.. our class rep..

i know..when i go back 2 uitm..i will be pleased with a lots of assignment and test..and i know what will i feel that time..i think at that time..i will need a lots of sick already just by thinking about it..never gain dekan..i must go along this stressfull and exhausted way..wait 4 me on my way..hold on k?..(kih3x..)

seriously i donno why..but i miss tdm 321 than my own room..kind of weird..isnt?kih3x..i just love the scence and scent of that room..oh..i really miss bubu..pieja teddy bear..:) and the most important part i miss the time we hang out 2gether..oh there so much fun..

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