Saturday 17 November 2012


i don't keep missing him lately.. my mind kept playing those record of memory that connected to him..all i felt right i wanna crying...why do i keep missing that bad ass??
when thinking back,he doesnt worth to having me actually..hell yeah im better than that bad ass like 100 times...

yeah of course,i dont wanna be one of those pathetic girls that their world stop spinning around coz of some guy.. daa... he even worth for it..but what the hell in mind i keep thinking bout him? whats wrong with me? yes i hate my self right now..

he doesnt even care about why im doing this heart and mental illness or kept torture my self over it?
yes im bet that im be stupid enough to keep doing this things to myself..

i doesnt know whether im still to him or its just the feeling that im hate him coz he giving me some kind of stupid answer to i love u so much but u have to wait till i put all piece of myself together..i wanna be the best man for u..just keep waiting..

men..thats a real big problem..coz i hate the word waiting..that word doesnt give a big impact to me.. understand that u major loser..or maybe i should labeling him a freak?

i hate the feeling that i have for him..why the hell in da world that i cant forget him? daa..there a lots of hot guys that waiting outside there..hurgh..

Monday 12 November 2012

hye! k. bye!

xtau nape but semakin hari,ak rasa semakin menyampah dengan dia..dia x mcm yang ak sngkakan..dye totally org lain..ak terasa diri ak bodoh pon ad kdg2..

new life..this things will appear in da future..soon i ak rasa ak perlukan perubahan..and ak x kn biarkan sapa2 cuba ambil kesempatan keatas ak..tu yang utama..bab ak x suka dowg amik kesempatan atas diri ak da..ak belaja yang semakin kita baik ngn owg tu,semakin mereka kijak kepala this new future more kind more cheerfull me..

because what?if im doing that things in this new incoming life,i will be suffer..

Friday 9 November 2012


nie la result exam ak..terukkn? mmg ptut la mak ak marah..
dah abeh sal result..

ak duk selak2 gmbr lme2 kt machangster..nah kau
sekali terjumpe gmbr2 nie..nak melelh airmata jap..

memang rush semue memori ak ngn dye dtg blik..haish..patutnyer ak padam pic2 nie..but ak x leh..xtau npe..ak g smpan..ak ad rahsia..but dye xtau kot..ak x ok..ak x leh tgok dye..ak rasa nak ngis bila tgok dye..tapi ak put fake smile jew bila depan dye..dye x pnah tau kot ape yg ak pikir..ak cuba try go on without dye..but still cam x leh..xtau nape..ape yg special tntng dye ak pon xtau la weh..

ak tau dye x suka ak..dye suka owg laen..tapi x pe..ak akn try tggu dye..ak cdg nak blaja btol2 pastu, nnt graduate bru ak tnye dye tntg semue nie.. ak xmau kco dye blaja..ak tau dye boleh berjaya tanpa ak..dye rajin kot..tekun jew ak tgok dye blaja..ak doakn yg terbaik tok dye.. back!!

hey peeps..sorry lme x update blog..busy n lpe password blog sebenarnyer.hik3x.. :).. ari nie..dapat result exam.. dsbbkn ak tkot sgt2..ak mngis dlm tidor..siap mengigau lg..akak ak terkejut..cuak dye tgok ak ngis dlm tido..ak punyer la cuakebabeh check result.. alih2..dekan but pointer jtuh..mak ak marah kot..ak nak wat cam ne..

mybe slh ak gak kot..banyak maen..owg blaja,ak tdo la,maen game la..naseb baek dekan lau x? mti ak..mak ak mmg berharap kat ak..ak sbnrnye happy dpt result baik..tapi ak rasa sedeh gak pointer sem nie..ak cdg nak pulun habeh..bia pecah record dekan ak..hehe..ak nie jenis yg mls blaja sikit sebnrnye.. tapi ak terpaksa cari owg untuk cabar diri ak supaya ak dapt result lg pace maker la..ak jmpe da sowg..budak nie nme dye suha..kecik comel jew owgnyer..dye dpt dekat 4 flat jgak la..